1st Time Guest? 

Here is What You can expect

Christ Church is one church with two unique campuses, but you can expect to have very similar experiences at both locations. When you first step foot on either campus, you can expect to be greeted and guided by our hospitality team. Feel free to enjoy coffee and refreshments as our valued guest. We also encourage you to visit our information desk in the foyer for more helpful answers. Here are a few things we would like for you to know when visiting us on Sunday morning. 

Sunday Worship services begin at 10:45 am at both Bartlett and Arlington locations. 

  • Biblical Preaching - You can expect our Bible teachers to open up the Word of God each week and share relevant, practical, and powerful messages that will both challenge and encourage you. To listen to our messages, feel free to explore our past sermons through podcast.
  • Dynamic Worship - You can expect a more modern style of worship, including a full praise band, however we always value the substance of what we sing over the style of music we choose. You can expect every song we sing to exalt Jesus Christ and proclaim His gospel.
  • Casual Dress - You can expect a casual dress environment, as we believe that God is more concerned with the condition of our hearts when we worship and less concerned about man's outward appearance (1 Sam 16:7). We want you to be yourself and be comfortable. 
  • Safety and Love for your Children - You can expect your children to be placed in a safe and loving environment during our worship services. While we emphasize teaching your children about God and His word, our top priority is to make sure they are cared for.
  • Communion Services - Every 3rd Sunday of the month we will observe the Lord's Supper as a church family. We offer an open invitation to the Lord's table for all believers in Christ Jesus, regardless of denomination. 
  • Family Worship Services - Every 5th Sunday we will celebrate our families during Sunday morning worship, inviting all of our children in the sanctuary and sharing a relevant message for both children and adults alike. 

STarting Point

OUR STARTING POINT CLASSES last 6 Weeks and are offered twice a year at both campuses on Sunday mornings @ 9:30 am

1st Sunday in September (AFTER Labor Day) 

1st Sunday in February

We value church membership at Christ Church, and we want our visitors to have a clear understanding of how to join our fellowship, if God so leads. The first step is to complete a Connect Card on Sunday morning and drop it in one of the black offering boxes in the sanctuary. If you express interest in joining Christ Church or just want to learn more about what we believe and what ministries we offer, simply mark the appropriate box on the backside of the Connect Card. Or you can email us anytime.

Once your information is received, you will be contacted by one of our staff members or elders to schedule you for STARTING POINT. 

To sign up for STARTING POINT or find out more information about membership, please contact ...

ARLINGTON CAMPUS: Elder Mike Clay - mbclay21@gmail.com

BARTLETT CAMPUS: Elder Marcus Van Every - vanevery@ccbartlett.org