College and Career

Sunday Mornings

Our desire as a small group is to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ through the teaching of His Word, to enhance fellowship with young adult Christians, and evangelize the lost. We would love to have the opportunity to meet you and have you join us in our quest. 9:30 am in room 200. Email Chris Ellison for more info.

Wednesday Nights

Join us for dinner and Bible Study. We meet off campus each Wednesday, alternating between the Bartlett and Arlington campuses. For more info or details please contact Steve or Tiffany Nance


What if you aren't in college? 

The class is targeted for ages 18-25. There are people in the class who have a career, others are pursuing a degree in college and some who do both.

What is the "College Room?"

The college and career ministry has a dedicated space on the Bartlett campus (Room 200-202)  for relaxing, studying during the week, ministry, Bible study or just hanging out. Need a safe place with free wifi and no distractions? A place to meet with friends mid-week? That's the College Room.